The defining feature of the ‘Centre-Right’ of British politics is their vicious hatred for Jeremy Corbyn. There is no libel against him that these people do not believe. In these people’s minds he is a rabid anti-semite because he pronounced Epstein with too much emphasis on the ‘stein’, they propounded Sir Richard Dearlove’s (former director of MI6 who unaccountably has a public profile) ridiculous smear that Corbyn worked with East German spies. This is a man who still believes that Saddam has WMDs, and the media credulously hangs on to his every word.
This extreme vitriol has completely blinded many such people to the Keir’s Kriminal defrauding of the Labour party membership. If you press them on the fact that he blatantly lied about his intentions for the party during the 2020 leadership campaign they will bat this off with something approximating ‘well he had to, that lot are BARMY’. Pushing the Labour party on to the IHRA definition of antisemitism and establishing a robust Commitment to NATO absolves him from the sin of perjury. They completely let him off the hook for criminal hypocrisy towards Boris Johnson for ‘lying’ over his pieces of birthday cake while Keir essentially scammed the Labour membership. Let’s be clear here: Keir Starmer lied repeatedly to the Labour membership to become leader of the party and the right wing press wrote off the people who pointed this out at the time as loony cranks.
Now they are faced with a known liar and crook polling 24 percentage points ahead and what do they do? They supinely reinforce his message. ‘The Thing about Keir, yeah, is that he doesn’t put off Middle England.” “Labour has a Credible leader.” See below from Rakhib Esan (quickly becoming one of the funniest commentators in Britain) in CapX.
The best they can come up with is that Keir served under Jeremy Corbyn – four years later, and for reasons known only to themselves they are fighting a battle against a deselected backbencher. Tilting at windmills indeed.
I commend Harry Cole and the Sun for digging in to Keir’s record as DPP, and as we all know there is a plethora of information around his role in the ongoing crisis of Pakistani rape gangs in English towns and cities waiting to be released in time for the election. But this is nowhere near enough. LOOK AT HIS POLICIES! Devolution which will wreck Britain’s unitary political system permanently. A RACE EQUALITY ACT WHICH PRIORITISES BLACK PEOPLE OVER WHITE PEOPLE FOR GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS! That is before we get our teeth in to what is planned for public sector reform / criminal justice.
We have already written before about how Labour is planning to pressure the courts to establish quotas for how many black criminals get punished for their violent crimes. You can also expect to see new racial quotas to be applied for disciplinary action for public sector staff. The NHS has wanted to do this since July of 2019 (in 2016 BME staff in London were 1.99 times more likely to face disciplinary action in the NHS). Their tools for making sure non-white people get away with malpractice are a combination of central target setting and gerrymandering internal processes. Here is some insight in to how ‘panels’ to make decisions on whether or not BAME people have committed malpractice should be set up.
This is a coded way of stating that people assigned to cases where non-white people have been disciplined in the NHS should have had the latest EDI training; which results in ideologically sound commissars making decisions about whether or not BAMEs should be disciplined. NHS staff will only keep up with the latest in ‘EDI training’ if they are trying to climb the career ladder by identifying themselves as a ‘champion of inclusion’.
The NHS’s behaviour is the canary in the coalmine – it gives a taste of what Labour will do in power. The NHS leadership are part of the New Labour Deep State (both the current and previous Chief Executives of the NHS were involved in the Blair government) and they have not been beholden to ministerial authority since the 2012 Lansley reforms. The Civil Service has already changed how it ranks poor performance (The SCS forced distribution system introduced by Maude) in 2019 because black and/or disabled civil servants were being ranked as poor performers too often. I am reliably informed that the Metropolitan police are working with Labour to ensure BAME police officers have an even easier ride. All of this is coming down the road and the press are completely failing to explain it to the voting public.
There are structural reasons that the MbM (Murdoch - Barclays - Marshall) understanding of EDI is so poor (i.e just limited to getting angry about ‘directors of lived experience). The think tanks that feed stories to MbM journalists are hesitant to put real resources in to investigating EDI (the Taxpayers Alliance do but the organisation isn’t big enough to investigate it properly).
The funding of Think Tanks is deliberately opaque but it can best be understood as ‘core funding’ and ‘sponsored funding’. Core funding is the money that ‘dodgy donors’ give to Tufton Street because their views generally align with that of the think tank, i.e, a wealthy American who likes free markets gives the IEA £200,000 a year. Sponsored funding is where companies and sometimes wealthy individuals spend huge tranches of money on “roundtables” and papers which serve a specific desirable political outcome. An example of this would be a large tech company sponsoring research attacking the IR35 rule change because their business model relies on employing software developers on per day contracts instead of ‘permanent’ positions. Companies will often use ‘consortiums’ or ‘trade associations’ to pool these costs across a given industry so they can influence government policy collectively.
What incentive would there be for a company to sponsor research in to how terrible EDI is for productivity in the private/public sector? Very little. It is not only non-specific, it carries massive reputational risk to fund anti-EDI research. Think Tanks in Britain (with the exception of the Legatum Institute and the TBI) are usually very short on ‘core funding’, so staff are pressured to pursue sponsored research to keep the lights on.
The distortion of this financial incentives is part of why Rishi is going to lose this election. Looking back to the Autumn Statement and you can basically list off the silly, finickity gimmicks that think tanks have been beating the drum for since the mid 2010s – Full expensing, “£500m for AI innovation centres”, freeports (e.g regional taxbreaks distort the national economy) - that is where these institutions are having impact, on arcane fiddles to benefit the narrow interests of their financial sponsors. Some of the think tanks in Westminster are essentially consultancies masquerading as academic institutions. The Heritage Foundation, with it’s hundreds of millions of dollars, has the financial headroom to fund the development of practical plans for power such as the 2025 Presidential transition project, which is actively training hundreds/thousands of right wing personnel to flood Washington DC the moment President Trump is restored to power.
There is no equivalent scope of ambition in Westminster institutions. EDI, the ideological capture of the Civil Service by the Left, these are simply faits accomplis. These think tanks must keep the Civil Service onside because it financially benefits them to have establishment figures on their panels at sponsored events, they can never really substantially challenge structures that impoverish Britain. And besides, isn’t it about time we commissioned some more Polling on XL Bullies in the Blue Wall? The donors want to see yer Impact mate, we need some headlines in ‘The Tele’.
Listen, I’m not expecting the world here, it’s clearly too much to ask for most journalists to read reports published by the government that they ‘scrutinise’ – just focus on the line that Keir is bringing in racial preferment for government contracts. Google Baroness Doreen Lawrence and the Lammy review. Explain to the electorate what is coming down the road if they vote Labour. Remember – you have a financial incentive to stop Keir getting in to power. Never mind the fact that right leaning institutions will have less access to power (and thus less money) if the Tories lose; Keir will crack down on the institutions that pay your salaries.
He will use Ofcom to attack GB news, he will go after the ’dark money’ think tanks. The whole house of cards that supports your glittering lifestyle of a flatshare in Wanstead and pints outside the Two Chair will come crashing down around you if you don’t act. I’ll be safe and sound during the People’s Republic of Sue Gray in Java, libelling aged comedians and popstars for profit while my Indonesian nursemaid caters to each and every appetite. The only concern in my life will be muscle atrophy from lying horizontally in bed for months at a time. It is those of you who do not own commercially successful platforms who should be most frightened of a Labour government.