We have responded to the cry of the people, in the face of universally uninspired, reactionary manifestos from all the old parties, to author, for the first time, our prescriptions for national resurrection, survival and flourishing. These elucidations of our thought are not promises but prophecies; their implementation is inevitable, by the popular will or the zeal of the insurgent. Their publication constitutes a flash in the night, by the light of which, all other politics in the United Kingdom shall cease to be of importance to anyone who reads them.
May they also serve to educate the growing number of misinformed commentators who increasingly opine about my magazine, often designing our inclusion in groups with whom we have nothing in common. This. Is what we believe. If you write about me in the future and fail to include mention of these clear and precise demands I shall be forced to resort to a private libel prosecution. We have no loyalty, amity or comradeship with anything other than the contents of this programme. Any imputation to the contrary is slander.
We advise all readers to pay close attention to the demands of style. The manifesto is a style unto itself and we have adapted our programme to its demands. Much has been left abstract for its sake.
I advise all of our British readers to write to all candidates standing in their area and send them this manifesto to demand their allegiance. Please post results in the comments below.
The State
The constitution of the state is an end-product of our other policies rather than something to be implemented straight away. We shall leave Parliament and the existing executive more or less intact for the first eight years of government. Afterwards a new constitution shall be enacted.
Referendum on abolishing the Monarchy without replacement.
Irrespective of the result, Royal Family to become civil servants with standard civil service salary, crown lands and royal palaces to be sold off and current private finances of royals transferred to government department to pay future salary/upkeep. Royals to be scrutinised by committee appointed by the Prime Minister.
Withdraw from ECHR and scrap proposed ‘British Bill of Rights’; the only rights recognised by the state shall be the right to free and unbiased examination to determine utility-justified privileges.
Replace local government with appointed prefects holding powers over transport, law enforcement, planning permission, enforcement of most regulations (wildlife), roadworks etc. The prefects shall be civil servants yet P.M will have power to appoint other individuals to the role at advice of select committee. The prefectures shall be funded, as in Japan, by central government via Department for Local Government. Citizens shall have a right of recall for praefects triggered by a petition as they currently enjoy for M.Ps.
Consequently, local councils, devolved administrations, metro mayors and other mayoral offices shall be abolished.
The prerogative powers held by the Privy Council shall be transferred to the exclusive use of the Prime Minister as U.S executive orders are treated.
For the first eight years, the New Order shall govern using the old constitution until key reforms get built into the system.
Once the first generation of Meritocrats are trained and able we shall move to a bicameral system in which prefects form 50% of the upper house alongside 50% high ranking civil servants with lower house elected by proportional representation. The lower house will then select a member of the upper house to act as Prime Minister.
Meritocracy has been the goal of mankind since Socrates spoke in the Athenian square. What shall be revealed in these points is an entirely new perspective on the state beyond Left and Right, beyond obedience and liberty. A conception of the state as a true ‘Union of Egoists’ in which the citizen creates his rights and liberties for himself and government is a work of art rather than a dismal science.
The civil service to be replaced; root and branch. Not simply ‘reformed’ but replaced. We see the civil service not as the servant of the state but as the representative of those who constitute ‘the state’ as such and the purpose of the state’s existence; akin to the old hereditary aristocracy. However, we recognise the current civil service does not live up to this end and the process of going from A to B is a long one.
Our goal shall be to establish 50 new, elite, boarding schools (see Education) which shall become, in the future, the basis for the new civil service. This, however, will take a generation to take effect.
Civil servants shall be appointed by I.Q tests and shall advance by demonstrated achievement rather than seniority. After entry via a straight test for intelligence, civil servants shall all occupy formally equal rank and compete to implement the policies of different ministers. Those who successfully implement a given policy shall rise in rank and have the power to issue independent commands of their own.
This shall be implemented via a distributed ledger system in which commands are given as ‘ranks’ to be obtained; a number of newtype civil servants shall compete to complete command with the superior choosing a victor from the multiple options; the victor shall then gain authority over budget of the finalised policy. This shall be sketched out in separate policy paper.
Prediction markets will also exist as supplementary mechanism of assessment to this system.
Civil servants shall receive crown immunity and power of attorney.
In first eight years, this system shall work alongside democratic ministers, with adoption of new constitution the ministers shall also advance from this system.
The establishment of the National Merit System; the educational attainments, IQ scores and genetic information of the entire population shall be recorded in a single I.D which shall become the vector of all means testing and policy intervention.
The regular, yearly, testing of the population on IQ and occasional other metrics via the NMS.
The top ranked people in the NMS shall, by default, become civil servants and have access to civil service rank-chain where they may similarly compete, as private citizens, to fulfil government policy.
The Human Future
Meritocracy is the only party which has not given up on the future of the human being. The reason the world seems to be dying is because we, as a species, have come to see ourselves as an evolutionary dead end. How can one blame those who call for depopulation, extinction rebellions and the destruction of society when, if humankind were analysed biologically, we’d be described as a species which has outlasted its mutative potential? Like the Giant Panda, our birthrates are in decline, we are winnowed down by strange ailments brought about by life in an environment to which we are no longer suited and the invention of simple chatbots is enough to pose a deadly threat to our species. Meritocracy identifies the planetary crisis as one beginning in our refusal to mutate. We shall put mutation back into Politics, where it belongs. We believe that the beings to whom the suns and stars of outer space are the inheritance (sic) will breathe a different air, speak a different tongue and think thoughts very different from our own. This is a cause for the most tremendous optimism.
A new ministry, funded at 5% of GDP, to begin the genetic modification and creation of artificial human embryos to maximise health, intelligence and attractiveness; prepare the education and utilisation of such beings.
The creation of artificial human embryos shall remain a monopoly of this department.
The establishment of government department to discover, test and establish the existence of The Rave between 2027-2045 after which a conclusive report shall be published.
End prohibition on human cloning and disclose identities of all known clones.
In all classical political thought; education was seen as not simply a duty, or a service but part of the very constitution of the state. Meritocracy is a classical political project.
The right to selective education shall be the only right recognised by the state. Every town must have a grammar school within catchment area. To achieve this end we shall build 10,000 new grammar schools by 2030 (to be constructed by National Labour Service), convert half of all comprehensive schools into grammars with immediate effect and convert all public and independent schools into direct-grant schools with mandatory examination (most of them already have the examination part).
Of the 10,000 new grammar schools, 50 shall be devoted to the top 0.1% of the population with curriculum designed to produce future civil servants, from which all civil servants in the future shall be recruited.
Apology for egalitarian education and compensation for those adversely affected.
Immediate student loan amnesty for Oxford and Cambridge graduates + above average in National Merit Score paid for by COVID pension tax. Remaining student debt shall no longer be backed by the state. The remaining loans shall be transferred from SLC to universities themselves and treated as any liability. The resulting bankruptcies will get rid of all Bogus colleges.
Restore the sovereignty of the student; National Merit Scores shall become basis for legal majority and take precedence over school grades, students with appropriate National Merit Scores shall be able to skip grades and take final exams when they please.
Students will have right of retaliation at school. Discipline system to be weighted for academic achievement. This will end ‘bullying’.
History curriculum to emphasise Indo-European/Yamnaya identity of the people, History shall begin with Indo-European migrations, move on to Greece and Rome, briefly describe Medieval English history and then move onto Colonisation followed by advanced sixth form study of Anglo-German Wars and 20th century European Nakba. The parochial focus on “British” history and wokeness shall both be scrapped.
Primary education to be greatly reduced. Children who are literate, numerate and pass basic History exam will be able to stop attendance whenever they please.
Literacy, Numeracy and History to be basis of primary school curriculum. Grammar schools shall teach History, Foreign Languages (including Ancient), Computer Programming, Mathematics as compulsory subjects up to 18.
Introduce a state tuition system. All tutors’ fees will be paid by the state.
Physical Education to be assessed by the health of children and prevention of obesity and not success in team sports.
This party prides itself on being “the caring party”; and it shall care about people in ways they never before thought possible.
As part of the National Merit System, complete the genomic sequencing of the entire population rather than the 200,000 volunteers making up the present gene bank. This gene bank shall be used to provide a compulsory, personalised genetic profile by which every citizen’s right to free healthcare shall be assessed. It shall have secondary benefit of allowing the State to locate precisely where genes impact policy outcomes, which genes contribute to success and aid the Human Future Project (see The Human Future)
NHS treatment to be conditional on British citizenship (see Immigration)
NHS access shall be conditional on accepting certain treatments according to one’s genetic profile. Those susceptible to lung cancer shall be made to give up smoking, those prone to obesity adopt diet and exercise regimes, fertility targets to be included in this etc. etc. In the event where this treatment is refused the subject shall be forced to pay for their own healthcare as direct charge to the NHS. This will allow for cost-saving, nanny state policies to be implemented fairly at an individual level.
Private pension funds must contribute to the healthcare costs of their customers.
ChatGPT can already diagnose better than doctors in 90% of cases. Replace GPs with specially trained medical chatbots, or even ChatGPT itself, with online diagnosis and immediate, no-hassle, online delivery of prescription and/or recommendation to in-person professionals for specialist treatment. This will solve NHS waiting times and allow for funds to be redistributed to specialist services and A&E.
Mandatory screening for all childbirths and the eradication of genetic disorders.
Legalise Euthanasia.
Forbid compulsory medication and medication as treatment of depression or other ‘mental health’ concerns in under-25s. It is disgusting to see politicians opine about scandal of gender transition surgery but it is completely accepted that parents and teachers have right to permanently alter the brain chemistry of unwilling charges for a host of spurious reasons.
End funding for 20th century pseudoscience like psychoanalysis, purge state healthcare system of pseudo-scientific concepts like personality disorders.
NHS may fund drug research by manufacture and sale of recreational substances like morphine on home and international market.
Cut NHS spending, generally, even while our reforms will save lots of money, there is too much fat, it is time for a cut.
Marriage and the Family
The cause of the fertility crisis is nothing more nor less than the massive demonisation of romantic love between young people. Love, like art, or talent, (and love is only possible between the very young) shall become a principle of the state to be exhorted everywhere. The snickering, bullying, patronising tone educators and the culture takes towards this wellspring of human life shall stop, one way or the other.
The failure of fertility incentives in other countries is due to lack of targeting to the correct part of the population and a lack of labour incentives to match monetary incentives. We shall provide, to all citizen university graduate couples under age of 40, a package of ultra-low interest mortgages, free childcare via state provided childcare on individual basis, free tuition and priority on new social housing. The benefits shall be doubled for the youth.
These benefits shall be registered via child licences independent of secular or religious marriage contracts to separate fertility policy from marriage. People will be able to accept these benefits for children born to people other than their spouses. The licence shall be held jointly by both parties without claim on property to other party. The licence shall also come with stipulations ensuring health and economic security of the children and shall not be issued to those who fail these conditions.
Adulterers shall get no claims to property or alimony from victims thereof.
Companies to be taxed for employment of unmarried, graduate women under 40.
Legalise and promote polygyny for highest ranking Meritocrats.
The sponsorship of pro-natal propaganda on television, via streamers and YouTubers etc. Love island but eugenic etc.
Law and Order
The cause of civil liberties has entirely vanished from the Overton Window in Britain. It is one of the most appalling changes in my lifetime that those who complain about the incessant invasion of their privacy, conscience and security are treated as amusing eccentrics. Meritocracy offers the most ambitious and vigilant programme of rolling back the encroachments of power on the natural liberty of the individual. The barracks-room society created after World War Two, with its cheerful alliance of the State and the underworld, must come to an end . Max Stirner said ‘the state calls its own violence law and that of the individual crime’; we locate the cause of crime and terrorism in the State and not the individual. We shall drain the swamp of state-sponsored criminality and restore the clean air of freedom which once filled the earliest Republics in which man can at last look with decency upon himself.
On the first day of power, seize the servers, records and data of the Security Services with an aim to make them public
Abolish all SIS organisations (GCHQ, MI6, MI5).
Masonic Lodges must disclose a full list of their membership to a new department of the Home Office or be suppressed. Ban Freemasons from serving the State in any capacity. Unregistered Freemasonry to be treated as treason.
A People’s Commissioner, empowered to directly sentence without trial, to hold a grand inquiry into systematic elite child abuse between 1960-2024.
Automate the small-claims courts and county magistrates by training A.I on totally digitised English case History with continual supervision by the Justice Ministry. Simplify and wholly digitise court procedure to facilitate this end. All citizens receive free use of SilkGPT replacing Legal Aid. If automation is successful, roll out to chancery and higher courts.
Integrate National Merit System with legal system via training of such appliances (disputes with higher ranking people will be weighted in their favour).
The only qualification needed to practice law shall be a law degree; law courses at universities must include all things necessary to be a lawyer in their normal course of study. Abolish the Inns of Court.
The state shall no longer feature as a prosecuting or responding party in suits (a privilege currently enjoyed by the Crown). Criminal misdemeanours shall be treated as private prosecutions with newly accessible legal system balancing costs.
Privatise the prison system (see below)
Victims of crimes against property and person shall have private discretion over punishment of the guilty party; crimes against the state shall be punished by default with Conscription into Labour Service. (see Work and Welfare)
Conscript all current prisoners into Labour Service.
Forbid legal penalties in cases of self-defence or resisting trespass
Found and encourage the creation of private self-defence organisations with policing powers over failed police districts. Boroughs will have option to deputise a self-defence organisation and reject jurisdiction of police force in areas with high crime.
Decriminalise all drugs
Decriminalise prostitution
Decriminalise firearm ownership
End all prosecution of speech online or off
Make private and anonymised messaging protocols mandatory for telecoms providers and ban those who fail to comply. Incentivise the development of privacy tech through funding, competitions and vigorous open-sourcing to defend ourselves against foreign surveillance.
In Burckhardt’s History of the Renaissance he ably described how the Renaissance princes funded the state. Their policy was a wise one. The state shall be funded by its own activity, monopolies in his time, large-scale infrastructure projects in ours and by occasional duties. We add to this the moral necessity of the 100% Inheritance Tax, impossible in Burckhardt’s time before I.Q tests existed. An Inheritance Tax, comprising the sum total of an individual’s efforts after it has ceased being useful to him, is a better source of income than a Labour Tax and easier to collect. The state shall aim to fund itself entirely by the Inheritance Tax and Tariffs. Our present system is designed to penalise social mobility while shielding the super-rich from punitive redistributive measures borne by the middle class. Our system shall penalise asset-holders and the passively rich while freeing the path to fortune for those with talent and diligence.
A 100% Inheritance Tax for all estates worth over £1 million, Inheritance Tax abolished for those in the lowest percentile of incomes. A new office responsible for enforcing the Inheritance Tax with full powers under the investigation act (2003) to monitor personal communications, confiscate assets, track transactions and detain suspects. Inheritance Taxation will be treated like drug prohibition or counter-terrorism. The state shall aim to fund itself by the Inheritance Tax, tariffs and duties as number one goal.
Scale back, and eventually, Abolish the Income Tax, the State has no right to tax the fruits of labour. As the Inheritance Tax becomes ever more powerful and efficient we shall soon abandon this relic of barbarism.
Abolish Employee Insurance
Raise Corporation Tax to 45%
End specialised tax agreements between HMRC and multinationals via a state prosecutor to scrutinise all such deals signed since 1990 and issue sanctions for all who have profited from them. Punishing tax avoidance shall be separate department to tax office in future to avoid similar mistakes.
Introduce several new tariffs on consumer goods like automobiles, electronics, agricultural imports and chemicals
A new tariff, the first of its kind, on foreign apps and web providers making use of data collected in the U.K.
Introduce a fixed duty for alcohol irrespective of volume; introduce a duty for processed food and plastic wrapping in supermarkets, introduce a duty on newly legalised substances, aim to fund the state entirely by Inheritance Tax, Tariffs and Duties by 2040.
10% tax on all foreign nationals and entities storing wealth in U.K Overseas Territories.
20% tax on all overseas remittances.
Seize the assets of charitable trusts engaged in political campaigning.
Abolish the Minimum Wage
Immigration and Citizenship
Meritocracy is the only party to offer a serious, fair and compassionate immigration policy. We affirm the benefits of immigration and offer an easier route to employment for those who want to work to make Britain Great. We reject the use of immigration as a political weapon and the disenfranchisement of the majority. Our system gives both critics of multiculturalism and supporters of immigration what they want.
Establish a three tier system of citizenship consisting of full citizens, residents and guest workers.
Follow the lead of Israel and declare Britain to be a state for a specific people, namely, “Europeans” (see Education). Inclusion in this definition shall be tied to a weighted series of genetic and physical markers which shall be assessed via information gleaned from the National Merit Survey. The overwhelming majority of North West Europeans shall thus be eligible for British citizenship and those of British descent in Australia, New Zealand, Canada and America; all of whom are currently discriminated against by nativist immigration policy.
The creation of a new Ministry of Inclusion to determine the weights of the markers in the light of the 2010s revolution in paleogenetics in close cooperation with the Human Future Ministry.
Those who meet the criteria shall become full citizens with both political rights and access to welfare system
Residents shall receive access to welfare system but not political rights. Existing British citizens who do not meet new criteria of full citizenship shall be granted Residency status according to salary, education and performance of key duties. For example of what Residents might look like see (Science and Technology)
Guest Workers shall be legally represented in all purposes by their employer, who shall be criminally liable for their actions and represent them in court. We shall separate migrant labour from the welfare state. Guest Workers shall enter the country via Work Passports filled out by Employer applying to a pool of Labour the Ministry of Labour which employers may inspect at any time and request passes for specific individual or large numbers. There shall be no pathway to citizenship for Guest Workers who must return to their country of origin once their employment is over.
The conscription of all adults who do not meet criteria for citizenship or residency into the National Labour Service to perform useful work for the State which they may leave, at any time, by voluntary return to country of origin. This will include virtually all claimants of state benefit.
The new definition of ‘refugee’ shall apply to those fleeing a state currently being invaded by another and not those fleeing civil war. The Refugee Convention shall be suspended by Civil Contingencies Act until France starts honouring their obligation as a safe country, and accepts common border policy with Britain whereby failed asylum applicants are sent back to France.
The National Labour Service shall, in addition, have power to issue Work Passports to anyone, from anywhere in the world, who wishes to work without pay for the glory of the Meritocracy. This is the only charity we are within our rights to offer.
Implement the recommendations of the Mikka Review. Seek to export the three-tier system to other countries via common European border policy, build collective bargaining power of Global North against the Third World to create efficient deportation protocols.
Set long term targets for reduction of demand for Guest Workers to be implemented at leisurely pace over 30 years in conjunction with rising fertility.
Work and Welfare
Right-wing moralism and left-wing sentimentality have made a mockery of the Welfare State. Our policy is simple: everyone deserves a basic stipend to live on, this assuages the guilt of the successful and protects the lives of the poor. With this generous and popular safety net in place, the state can pursue libertarianism with a good conscience. Folding all benefits, including the state pension, into a single payment available to all citizens (see immigration) will drastically reduce government spending. The endless sums spent on specified benefits, job centres, means testing and fraud detection will be wiped from the books forever. For those who are not eligible, who still need a safety net, we have decided the best charity is work. Thomas Sankara revolutionised his country through the principle of voluntary labour. We shall do the same.
The state pension and all other state benefits to be replaced by a single Universal Basic Income of £1,000 open to all citizens from 14 and over. Signing up to UBI will entail participation in the National Merit System but shall remain voluntary.
All other specified allowances, tax exemptions, caps etc. to be scrapped
A one off 10% tax on all private pension funds in the United Kingdom to pay off the debt incurred by the Coronavirus Act and its consequences and provide amnesty for illegal student loans.
Phase out pension fund ownership of the economy.
Prohibit any employer outside certain technical areas, national security and manual labour from demanding any document, task or test beside the National Merit System
Employers shall have a statutory duty to publish the National Merit Scores of their employees and those found to be anti-meritocratic in both hiring and promotions shall Face a Fine.
Establish a National Labour Service (see Immigration, see Law and Order) to perform unpaid work in exchange for accommodation and food. The National Labour Service shall work on state infrastructure projects and may, in the future, be rented out to private sector concerns.
A new vagrancy act conscripting all vagrants into the National Labour Service.
Introduce a 4 day week with target of 2 day week by 2050 to cut inflation by reducing labour time.
Finance and Industrial Policy
We stand for Capitalism with British Values. The market shall serve politics; not the other way around. Our aim is for the state to fund itself by its own productive efforts rather than leeching off future generations with debt.
Abolish the OBR and end Bank of England independence
Public borrowing to fund productive infrastructure projects paid for by future growth (see Energy and Infrastructure)
Pay off national debt incurred by COVID-19 and 2008 bailouts by taxation of pension funds and selling off assets purchased in recovery program for compulsory price.
Allow future civil servants (see Meritocracy) to issue limited number of individuated bonds for return on their own projects to be funded by state but separate from national debt with concomitant market for such bonds. These bonds will be used to create competitive system of state assistance and loans to super-performing companies.
Explore eventual move to a ‘Merit-backed currency’ in which cumulative National Merit Scores of population, productivity and energy output determine value of a new stablecoin with flexibility of fiat currency but in-built concern for human capital at expense of GDP maximisation.
An End to ESG. Companies will not have to disclose human rights or environmental standards to be listed on London Stock Exchange.
Pension Funds to be regulated as any other investment bank.
End subsidies given to foreign companies to stay in Britain. If Britain is uncompetitive that indicates policy changes are necessary. Bribery is a cheap way out.
Energy, Transport and Infrastructure
It has been known for several decades now that energy is the key to economic growth. Expanding our energy output is the key to making the Meritocrats the wealthiest people to ever exist in human history. Future energy revenues shall be the basis of government self-sufficiency and pay off our long-standing debts. Investment in nuclear power pays for itself. New, automated rail lines, freed forever from the threat of strikes, will connect our nation in a way it has never been connected before. It shall take less than an hour to jump from London to Edinburgh.
Nationalisation of all energy companies, the exploitation of oil, gas and nuclear power shall be a monopoly of the state
The construction of 150 new nuclear reactors including both next-generation fission and experimental fusion, this shall include the National Labour Service without normal regulations pertaining to worker safety or hours with the inclusion of skilled labour and expertise as well. We are confident this can be achieved far sooner than expected.
Begin the exploitation of offworld energy sources by erecting solar panels in Space. A single solar panel in space is 100x more efficient than 10 on earth. This shall be one of the first duties of the UK Space Agency (see Science and Technology).
Legalisation of fracking in the North of England.
The construction of a new rail network of automated Maglev trains spanning the whole country using the National Labour Service; linking Oxford, Cambridge, London and Bristol; Manchester and Liverpool; Edinburgh to London.
The construction of new roads such as between Oxford and Cambridge using the National Labour Service.
Construction of a bridge between Scotland and Ulster (to be constructed by etc.).
New runways at both Heathrow and Gatwick.
Expand Felixstowe and Dover ports.
Expand freight service on Euro-tunnel
The automation of the London Underground on the model of the Docklands Light Railway. Force rail companies to automate their trains in similar way.
Mandate dining carriages on private trains between cities.
Creation of a fleet of driverless taxis to be piloted in London.
Housing and Nature
Ownership of space is the goal of every living organism. Our manifesto enshrines this goal for both our human and animal friends.
Abolish the planning act blah blah blah. Everyone promises this, Meritocracy is the only way to get it via the abolition of local councils and the consolidation of all planning powers in the hands of centrally appointed prefects with the national interest in mind.
Nationalise the stock of local housing associations and auction it off to buyers under the age of 40.
Landlords are to be forbidden from asking for identification, credit score checks and anything else but money from tenants. Conversely, landlords may evict tenants whenever they please without reason.
Merge everything from Southend to Reading and Watford to Crawley into one metropolitan authority on Chinese model of megapolis and set up similar arrangement for Bristol and Oxford.
Abolish the Surrey and Chiltern Areas of Outstanding National Beauty
Earmark areas expected to experience depopulation with planning reform as new national parks, with aggressive rewilding polices of slowly increasing intensity. Release wolves, bears and lions into Liverpool and Manchester. Demolish under-occupied homes and plant trees on the ruins. Replace regeneration projects in these areas with rewilding ones.
Demolish the Stratford Olympic Park in bold new project to link Lea river valley to the Thames; creating an exciting new Marina/Nature reserve in the beating heart of London.
Agriculture and Food
Farming is best left to the farmer. Do not let the glittering modernity of this manifesto deceive you into thinking we sneer at the lifeblood of the nation, those who rear calf and corn in the vast green yonder. It is essential for the health of the nation that its food supply be maintained on an organic, local basis.
Abolish Rural England and transfer responsibility for enforcement of regulations to local Prefects. Farmers will get back the right to do what they want with their own land, although we believe regulation still has important role to play in pesticides and animal welfare.
Incentivise in-door farming to reduce reliance on toxic pesticides and reconcile food supply with urban expansion.
Protect British food from ‘woke. Ban the import of meat containing estrogenic additives.
A massive, 10-year campaign against pollution of the food supply on model of Mussolini’s battle for land and Chairman Mao’s sparrow war.
Stricter penalties for bogus ‘free range’ farms which fail animal welfare checks.
We are living through the early stages of a military revolution akin to that seen in the 16th-17th century. The massive military industrial complex created by the Second World War is no longer fit for purpose. We identify in new technologies a plethora of cost-saving techniques and the return of the basis of a Free State: the volunteer army of sovereign citizens. Nonetheless, we do not treat these advances as cause for complacency, the standing army shall remain and be supplemented by PMCs as a praetorian strike force.
Establish a national drone militia. The government shall first purchase and then build a fleet of drones which shall be linked to a freely available gaming system which shall first include simulations, and then graduate to piloting actual drones. All UBI recipients shall be mandated to practise for 1-hour every day on this game. Command chain shall be established on meritocratic grounds with best ‘pilots’ automatically rising up ranks through blockchain style access to private keys for other drones. Establish the basis for self-sufficient manufacturing of drones in the United Kingdom.
Expand and upgrade the British nuclear arsenal with an aim to become third nuclear power by end of decade.
Scale back spending on conventional army. Sell off the useless Blair-era aircraft carriers.
Long term aim of standing army as specialised strike force for much larger drone militia.
Forbid the export of British military technology developed by state to foreign powers following lead of Japan.
Foreign Affairs
We hear endless talk of Britain’s ‘national interest’ from the other parties. Our party shall devote itself not to ‘protecting’ these interests but creating national interests for the first time. Britain’s interests are the same as any state; the expansion of its territory, the defence of its people and goodwill towards those who will good towards ourselves.
Promote the idea of the Space Elevator (see Science and Technology) and off-world mining as alternative to both U.S petrodollar order and BRICs gold order. Establish a number of new, international financial bodies for the provision of cheap loans to countries wishing to participate in the project, which, owing to its vast scale, will include huge amounts of profitable infrastructure. The sovereign wealth funds of Norway and the Arabian monarchies are both incentivised to join Britain in this project.
Demand sanctions from the United Nations on the Republic of Ireland for harbouring a known terrorist group and withdraw from all U.N aid programs until this resolution is passed demand the extradition of Sinn Fein and IRA leadership to United Kingdom to stand trial, the formal renunciation of territorial claims on the United Kingdom by Ireland and reparations for those killed and exiled in the genocidal violence waged against Anglo-Irish people 1918-24.
End appeasement in Ulster, the six counties of Britain shall be governed by prefects appointed from London like any other part of the United Kingdom.
Establish two new organisations. A Commonwealth Military Pact with Australia, New Zealand and Canada. A ‘Free European Commonwealth’ consisting of a common market and migration policy without federal organisations; aim being to attract other European countries away from the E.U orbit.
Generally promote the Magna Idea among European governments and in the U.S
Repeal the Magnitsky Act and rescind sanctions on the Russian Federation.
Offer Taiwan nuclear weapons to prevent disastrous war in East Asia but repudiate U.S Imperialism in the region and seek accommodation with China.
Offer Ukraine membership of Commonwealth Military Pact and Free European Commonwealth in exchange for recognising DPR and LPR as parts of Russia.
Stand up to anti-white governments on the African continent and repudiate failed policy of decolonisation. Britain shall intervene to protect European diaspora abroad.
Contest The Malay Federation’s ownership of Sarawak.
Convert the Falkland Islands and Gibraltar into sovereign corporations in which British government holds all initial shares, invite the Spanish and Argentine government to buy these shares if they want stake in governance for very high price. Sell off Pitcairn Islands and other overseas territories to highest bidder at auction.
Scrap foreign aid.
Monitor the Situation re: Israel/Palestine.
Science and Technology
Science shall no longer be an after-thought of policy but shall be recognised as what it is: the engine of economic growth and the purpose of The State.
Quadruple the budget of the UK Space Agency. Establishing asteroid mining is national security concern with collapse of U.S dollar as reserve currency and rise of gold-backed alternative currencies on earth. Incentivise private firms to aid U.K Space mission with concessions of extra-planetary dominions and resources.
Reach out to other European countries, Russia and China to begin construction of a Space Elevator as international project for all mankind led by Britain. The Space Elevator is not only essential to allow for more impressive rocket construction offworld than is possible on earth but as an abundant source of free energy. By coating a space elevator in solar panels one can generate vastly more energy than solar power on earth. (See Energy). When complete, this should be enough to pay off the sovereign debt of all participatory governments.
Implement ‘the Cummings Reforms’ to U.K government funded research making ARPA function as intended.
Meritocracy Passports. Winners of top Science, Mathematics and Technology prizes (like Nobel Prize and Fields Medal) as well as top graduates of GLOBAL schools in the highest academic grade (MIT, Ecoles of French state etc.) shall be entitled to stipend, free housing and automatic British citizenship in exchange for serving the State.
Mandate all A.I companies make their models open-source. Exempt artificial intelligence from copyright and intellectual property laws.
Defend freedom of information online, legalise sites like LibGen and Internet Archive.
British technology to be used in Britain first. British researchers are responsible for the maglev and graphene yet foreign competitors are too often the ones who make use of our national genius. Establish a stream-lined system integrating patent-approval with planning permission overseen by regional prefects where U.K researchers are incentivised to work with British firms for cut off profits.
Social media companies must allow users to opt-out of predictive algorithm following lead of China
Websites, by default, must turn off cookies and users must proactively choose to have them on their device.
Culture, Media and Heritage
When the other leaders hear ‘culture’ they reach for their guns. We are perhaps the only party who can speak with clear authority on the matter of culture. Who have studied this topic deeply. We shall aim to create, once more, culture in the true sense of the word: as a single style which imprints itself on every activity of the nation.
Privatise the BBC
Referendum on renaming Britain to more aesthetically pleasing ‘Laegyr’ (The Laegyrian Meritocracy). Britain is phonetically a very ugly word. However, this isn’t essential yet.
Resurrect Hellenistic culture in Britain. On a series of bi-monthly state holidays, the State shall hold contest, pay for theatre tickets which theatres being obliged to show new works which must be either experimental or fitting a new definition of classicism (performed in verse, in accordance with broadly Jacobethan or Hellenic aesthetic standards). The winner shall be determined by popularity (audience still being able to choose what to see) and awarded a stipend to produce more work/go into movies. D’Annunzio’s maxim that Art is a Fundamental Principle of the State shall have constitutional force.
The state shall exclusively fund art on this model of sponsored contests and Holy Days; state grants etc. shall cease after five years of new practice taking on. We reiterate contests will only accept entrants according to standard of experimentalism or classicism. Popular music etc. won’t be considered.
Patronage of artists who fall into the aforementioned categories shall be treated as tax deductible for patrons.
Tax American movies, rap music, drag shows, spectator sports and musical theatre.
Encourage the use of received pronunciation in all walks of life.
End all state sponsorship of regional languages.
Deregulate the Football industry entirely, the State shall have no role whatsoever to play in sport besides physical education in schools.
Free gym membership for all 14-25 year olds.
A review of national monuments. Gandhi, Mandela, Canning, Martin Luther King – they’ve got to go. Statue of Cecil John Rhodes to be placed on the fourth plinth in Trafalgar Square in gold with glowing eyes at night. Construct, in centre of London, ‘The Seraphic Monument’ a transparent glass male angel inhered entirely by giant static electricity ball. Statues of 21st century heroes, Nick Land, myself etc. to be erected around the land.
A formalised system of architectural heritage. Not many people are aware that Britain actually lacks a system of deciding what is and what is not a ‘Grade II’ etc. listed building. There shall be a single, central registry of historically important buildings we know should not be demolished with entry closely guarded by practising architects and academics from broad variety of traditions. All other claims to ‘heritage’ status for car parks etc. will be deemed legally spurious. Blue plaques will similarly not receive official recognition.
Sell off royal palaces and lands.
Withdraw state recognition for Pride Parades, Marathons, Outdoor Concerts etc. which disrupt public life in big cities. People are welcome to organise such events privately on private land (like Glastonbury) but may not interrupt traffic for their hobbies.
Introduce tourist tax for museums which receive state funding and expand free museum entry for citizens.
Ban the repatriation of historical artefacts from British museums and introduce statutory duty for curators to respect and freely display their collections without moralistic bias.
Expand the British Museum, possibly by bulldozing Soho and creating new site, so full collection can be shown.
Build new concert venue in London to compete with European capitals.
The replacement of militaristic monuments like the Cenotaph with a new monument to ‘The English, Japanese and German Victims of World War Two’ dedicated to ‘friendship between the peoples’; the installation at the other end of Whitehall, where Charles Stuart’s statue currently stands, with a a counterpart ‘Monument to the Victims of Freemasonry and Bolshevism 1848-1945’
The acknowledgment of the role played by British intelligence agencies in the Russian, Italian, Hungarian and German revolutions with formal apologies and prosecution of surviving culprits.
Release of any documents pertaining to older civilisations than currently recorded
Religion and Secularism and Time
Calling Time on Old-Thinking.
Declare the belief in human rights to be a religion (‘Universal Collectivism’) on account of purporting infallible commandments dependent for coherence on a superior being. Classify a broad variety of ideologies as subsects of this religion. Duly defund all organisations advocating for this religion on the taxpayer’s dime. Enforce existing radicalisation laws to remove legal and education professionals using their offices to preach their beliefs instead of doing their jobs.
The Church of England shall return to pre-Tractarian and pre-Modernist forms of worship. Parliament shall exercise its power to appoint new Bishops. While the State is secular, the Meritocracy recognises historical importance of Christian faith and shall not disestablish the Church.
Scrap British Summer Time.
Establish the calendar on strict astrological lines but perhaps with new names.
Establish, on equal footing, a new State Cult devoted to worship of individual Meritocrats who come to distinguish themselves in the future, starting with myself.
Et du pain pour ces frere!
Vive l’son!
Vive l’son!
And gentlemen in England now a-bed
Shall think themselves accursed they were not here
Great point about Britain being a phonetically ugly word. I've always avoided using the term 'British Isles' purely due to its association with the brythonic celts. These people are ugly.