The reactionary feminist, and ‘communitarian catholic’ narrative suggests that virginity, or more broadly, the witholding of sex, is a Force by which women can ensure men commit to them properly (be that through financial resources or attention). If the milk can be bought without the cow, men will be free to philander without attachment, leaving behind a trail of unhappy women.
There’s a materialistic cynicism to this view of gender relations. Is there not a more profound connection between men and women? Is the process of courting purely transactional? Commitment only for sex? What about wit? Subcultures often date within themselves, Emo girl with skater boy; I can see no other explanation than an accord of values which forms the romantic bond.
The perception of love in materialistic terms in RadFem discourse owes much to it’s Incel intellectual inheritance. Starting from a position of; why is nobody interested in me? It must be these characteristics: I’m not 6ft tall, I don’t earn six figures and I don’t have a six pack. The Incel believes women are obsessed with wealth and status to the exclusion of all else. Translated for women by Louise Perry: all men are bestial perverts who have to be controlled by abstinence.