It’s become a bit of a BR staple to hammer home the relative poverty of Britain in comparison to America.
I applaud this, the smarminess of our declining upper middle class towards ‘Bonkers’ America (where you pay 20 grand for a bloody ambulance) is infuriating. It’s good fun to rub their noses in the failure of social-democratic post-liberalism. While the Soviet Union had the Iron Curtain, this backwater is blinded to the prosperity of the true west by an unthinking reactionary leftism and received knowledge from TV panel comedies. See how they are reduced to frothing anger:
I just wish the BR would celebrate the other aspects of America which make it a better country than ours, for example, Meghan Markle’s refusal to bow sincerely before a doddering old woman who achieved little else in life except existing.

Defer to no superstition, my blue jumpered friend. Unlike ‘Zadok the Priest’ on Spotify. Spend Sunday mornings indulged in self abuse, instead of trying to look pensive and proper in a church. The Woke, the Stakeholders, the Church, the ‘King’, all these tendrils of corruption will have to be torn root and stem from the Britain if it is to resemble a first-world country once more. Cast Chesterton’s Talisman from your back.