There is only one group of people in Britain deranged enough to believe that the country is an example of a successful melting point. The ‘one-nation’ right. Whenever I read their copy, whether that be in the Spectator Magazine, or in the Spectator Online edition, I can’t bring myself to hatred. Rather, I feel jealousy.
Lets take an example of a typical argument advanced in these circles:
‘The real reason people are angry about illegal immigration is that it upsets their (Quietly British) sense of Fair Play. The recent immigrants think it too, you know. ‘Why do you lot get to skip the queue?’
I genuinely wish I could be this ignorant about how poor people actually think. I have been forced by circumstance to live alongside the ‘left behind’ my entire life. I am no stranger to the National Express. But I wish I was. I wish I had been born in to as much privilege as the ‘Scots’ who pontificate on ‘the robustness of our integration strategy’ while using my inherited wealth and generous salary to insulate my family from the consequences of immigration.